When you Log into Napkin EPOS, you will be presented with the main Till, where you can record a sale.
The right hand side of the screen is to select the items that goes onto a customer bill. The top part of which are the ‘Till Categories’ and are a darker blue, followed by ‘Stock Items’
The Left hand side shows the current customer bill. The top section in Grey, indicates the current Username and current Tab, eg ‘Admin – Temp’. Admin is the default Username, which can be changed in the <Users> section of <Back Office>.

Pressing a Stock Item is one way to add an item to a bill. The other is to scan the barcode. Pressing the button will activate the device’s camera.

Align the Blue line with the barcode, and press the Scan Button. A successful scan will add the item to the bill, result in a beep sound and the blue line turning green temporarily. You need to ensure the barcode is added to <Back Office><Stock Items> for it to be recognised. The Scanner can read UPC and EAN Barcaodes and QR Codes.
If your device has more than one camera you can switch between them using the button.
If you start adding items onto a bill, but have not selected a Tab for it to go onto, it will go onto the user’s ‘Temp’ Tab. Each user has their own ‘Temp’ Tab, and this is the one that is opened up when the user logs in. The idea here is that if a user is working behind the bar, and a customer walks up and asks for a drink, and wants to pay for it there and then, the sale can be recorded simply on the ‘Temp’ Tab. Only the user themselves has access to their ‘Temp’ Tab.. whereas all Users can access all the other Tabs.
If a waitress, walks up to a table and wants to add items onto the customer’s Tab, she would need select the Tab button ot the top left of the screen. A pop-up window will appear, like below, showing all the available Tabs to select.

The workflow for recording a sale:
Add a Stock Item… it appears on the bill in Black colour. This is an unconfirmed sale. This can be removed by any user, and will no longer be visible.
Confirm the sale by clicking on the button. The item will now be coloured green. It can only be removed by a User with ‘Void’ capabilities ( defined under <Back Office><Users>) When an Item is ‘Confirmed’, the order will be sent to the designated printer. e.g. the waiter would click the
after finished taking the whole food order from a table, to send it to the “Kitchen” printer for food preparation.
If a customer receipt is printed, all the items will be automatically ‘Confirmed’.
When the customer settles a bill , all the items will be automatically ‘Confirmed’.
When you close a Tab , if there are any unconfirmed items, then a popup will occur highlighting this fact. After a numbered Tab is closed, you will be returned to your ‘Temp’ Tab. It is not possible to close your ‘Temp’ Tab.
You can not open a numbered Tab, if you have any Items present on your ‘Temp’ Tab.
When a User Logs In, Napkin will check if any of the Items the user had previously added to any Tab, was in a unconfirmed state. ( ie had not yet been sent to the Kitchen printer ) If any are found, that Tab is automatically opened for the User, instead of their Temp Tab.
When an Item, that has previously been confirmed, is then ‘Void’, a void order will be sent to the designated printer. The item will remain on the bill, but with a line through it.
As mentioned above when an Item is ‘Confirmed’, the order will be sent to the designated printer. It is added to the print queue, and can take up to 15 seconds to be printed. If the designated printer is offline, the next available printer will be used instead. If no printers are available then, it will remain in the print queue. When a user logs in, if there are any print jobs in the print queue of items that the user had ‘confirmed’, then the print queue popup will be automatically displayed, hence informing them of the fact that the order has not yet been sent. The user should then investigate why the printer(s) is offline, and inform the appropriate preparer ( ie kitchen staff ) of the order.