To settle a customer’s bill, click on from the main screen. A popup will give you options on how the bill will be paid. These options are defined under <Back Office><Payment Types>
Selecting the payment type, be it Cash, SumUp, Account or Visa etc, will then require you to specify the amount to be settled. There are quick cash buttons for £10 and £20.
You can add multiply payments to the same bill… Eg this could be done when a group of customers choose to split the bill and pay separately.
Selecting will then send the payment to the SumUp card reader, with more details here.
You may also settle a bill by using a Customer Account, to do so select <Account> payment type… this will then give you the option to choose the appropriate customer’s account. Only active “Debit” and “Credit accounts will be shown. A ‘Search…’ function is available to aid you if you have lots of customer accounts.
Once the appropriate customer account is selected, you will have the ability to enter in the amount. This amount will be deducted from their balance.
Adding A Customer
By adding a customer to a bill, enables you to later email them a copy of the receipt, and also allows you to run reports like ‘Sales by Customer’.
It is possible to link a customer to the bill by clicking on the button, after which all customers, including “Basic” and in-active, will be shown:
At this point you have various options. You can edit the customer by clicking on the customer followed by . This will allow you to change the ‘Email Address’ and ‘Full Name’. Both needs to be unique. Full Name is not editable for ‘Debit’ and ‘Credit’ customers, where their balance is non-zero.
Clicking on allows you to create a new “Basic” customer. If you enter a ‘Full Name’ that is already in use, it will add a space at the end. If you only enter in an Email Address, the Full Name will be populated with the email address also.
Click on to add the selected customer to the current bill.
After a customer has been added, it can be easily deleted by selecting the customer and then clicking
If you have added an “Account”, then you do not need to add the same “Customer”, as receipt emails and reports are driven by both “Account” records and “Customers” records. You can add multiple customers to the same bill.
Finalising the Bill
The current bill Total will be displayed, along with any Payment Charges and an Outstanding amount. Outstanding equals Total plus Payment Charges less any Payments entered in this popup.
Payment Charges are defined under ‘Till Unit Price’ under <Back Office><Payment Types>.
If Outstanding is zero or negative, then a save button will be available. Click this to Finalise the bill. If the Outstanding is negative, ie overpayment, it will be shown as “Change”, and will be recorded as a “Cash Change”. If the change is not actually given to the customer, then this can be viewed as a Tip/Service Charge.
For all payment types, the “EXACT” option is available. if this is clicked then the current payment will be made exactly equal to the remaining Outstanding of the bill, and ‘Save’ it so it automatically finalises.
Once the bill is Finalised the Cash Drawer will open, assuming this is setup and connected via RJ11 to the Star Thermal Printer, and also at least one payment on the bill has been configured to ‘Open Cash Drawer’ as defined under <Payment Types>.
A popup then occurs indicating if any ‘change’ is necessary, and also gives you the option to send the customer an email
Note: The email option only shows if the SMTP server details have been set in <Settings>.
Click on to send an email. If a ‘Customer’ has already been added to the bill, or an ‘Account’ has been used to settle the bill, and an email address is present with either, then an email will be immediately sent. If however no email address is connected to the bill, then a new window will pop up allowing you to enter the Customer’s Email Address and Full Name.
Only an ‘Email Address’ is required at this stage. If the email address entered is already associated with an existing customer, then that customer will be added to the bill. If no ‘Full Name’ is entered, the email address will be used as the name as well. When the button is pressed, a ‘Basic’ customer will be created and added to the bill, and an receipt email will be sent. If an unique email address is entered with a non-unique Full Name, then a ‘space’ will be added to the Full Name when the ‘Basic’ customer account is created.
Instead of entering a customer’s details, it is possible to search for an existing customer, by simply clicking the close button. This will then give you a list of all the existing customer from which to choose from, and click to send an email and add the customer to the bill.
You can only add one customer at this stage, but you can add more customers by going to <Sales History>.