Settings that are specific to the online customer ordering portal on
Enable Online Customer Ordering : This is a global option that will activate or deactivate the online customer ordering functionality, for instance you may want to immediately disable it, e.g. if you have too much demand and cant cope with fulfilling orders, or if you have staff sickness.
“X” option of delivery location… allows you to specify the order in which the delivery options are presented to the user. eg ‘Table Service’ first then ‘Collection’. The 1st option will also be the default on the Napkin checkout screen, as seen below.
Printer Override for Online Orders: Here you can choose whether one printer is to be used for all Napkin Orders. If left blank, the printer associated with each stock item will be used.
Extra Wait Times for Delivery in Minutes: If a customer chooses ‘Delivery’ when placing an order on Napkin, then the wait time shown to them, will be the sum of the “Collection Wait Time” plus the “Extra Wait Times for Delivery in minutes”. For instance if this is set to 5 minutes, and the “Collection Wait Time” is 10 mins at the point the customer submitted the order, then the delivery wait time shown to the customer will be 15 minutes. “Collection Wait Time” is defined under <Online Menus>.
Collection Status Type: available options are “Queue Position”, “Wait Time” and “Preparing Order”.
- Queue Position: indicates where the order is in the queue of other online orders.
- Wait Time: count down the number of minutes until the expected order will be with the customer.
- Preparing Order: simple status message saying “Preparing Order…”.
Table Service Status Type: same as Collection Status Type but for Table Service.
Allow Scheduled Orders: Give the customer the ability to specify a delivery time in the future during the checkout process. This will only be available for ‘Collection’ and ‘Delivery,’ and will in 15min time intervals, up until closing time.
Tip Options Default: Enables the customer to add a tip to the online order at the payment stage, and pre-selects an option for them, which then can change. The screenshot below shows the default set at <10>, whereas the screenshot above shows default set as <Disabled>. Available options are: Disabled, 0%, 10%,12% and 15%.