As well as the normal payment methods available, like cash and card, for a customer to settle a bill, it is possible to setup and maintain ‘Customer Accounts’. There are three types of Customer accounts available: Basic, Debit and Credit.
A Basis account, is used to record a customer to a given bill. An email receipt can then be sent to the customer.
A Debit account, is where the Customer adds funds to their account before they can spend them. The account balance can not go below zero. For example a customer puts down a deposit for a future event, that can be used to offset some of the bill on the night.
A Credit account, allows a Customer to run a credit line, whereby they start with a zero balance, buy items, put the cost onto their account, and then settle their account at a later date, say once a month. This facility could be used for staff members, with their account settled from their wages.
To add new Customers, and to add funds to their Accounts, go to <Back Office><Customer Accounts> or select < Customer Accounts > from the main till menu . You can add customers by filling in the top green row with the customer details and account type and pressing . Only Customer Name and Type is required.
A popup message will occur, after adding a Debit or Credit customer, asking whether you want to add funds now to the account. You either add now or later. To add funds at any time, simply select the customer, and then click to show the trade level information on the account. This will now give you the option to add more funds, as shown below :
To add new funds, in the top green row, choose the Payment Type and enter the Amount, followed by any Comments you want to make, click/touch .
When bill settlement occurs, and a Customer Account is used, the settlement information is also shown on this screen, tagged as ‘Sales’ under the ‘Payment Type’ with the associated ‘Trading Date’.
In this example the ‘Balance’ is then reduce by the Sales.
A ‘Basic’ Customer accounts can also be created in 3 other ways: