Napkin EPOS has 4 types of Categories / Groups….
Till Category
Till Category is specifically for displaying items on the Till, and can have an infinite number of levels. Items can be assigned at any level, parent or child. Items assigned to “Top” appear on the front screen of the till, and hence is usually used for the favourite/most frequently used items.

This is under <Back Office><Till Category>
Payment Groups
One Level available, used for reporting purposes, for grouping different types of payments, eg Cash, Cards, Mobile. Additional information can be found under <Payments Setup>.
Promotion Groups
Promotion Groups are used in aid of creating promotions, like ‘2 cocktails for £7’ or ‘3 course meal for £25’. Additional information can be found under <Promotions>.
Report Category
Used for the purpose of generating <Reports>. eg ‘Sales By Group’. There can only be 2 levels of hierarchy. Furthermore when assigning a report category to a <StockItem> it can only be tagged at Level two. This is unlike ‘Till Category’ where a StockItem can be associated to any level.

As only two levels are available, moving a category to a different level is not possible, you can only move a category within its level.
If a StockItem is not linked to a Report Category, it will display ‘Unknown’ in the <Reports>. You can see and update which items are not mapped by clicking on .
Report Group Modifiers.

When you select a level 2 Report Category,(i.e. the level at which StockItems are mapped), you can associated modifiers to it by clicking on . This will open the Modifiers input screen, as per below.

Here you can add modifiers which will be applied to all Stock Items that are associated with the selected Report Category. By using the special *Double Up* modifier will give a double up modifier option for the StockItem. These modifiers are in addition to, Individual and Group Modifiers.